His proudest moment was an invitation by the Royal Swedish Academy and Swedish National Committee for Science and Technology (which awards Nobel prize in chemistry), to present a paper on “SCIENTOONS” in the “32nd International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry World Congress” held in Stockholm, Sweden. Other bright feathers in his cap include invitations and appreciation by World Health Organization, United Nations Environment Program, UNESCO, Dechema (Germany). And thanks to his efforts largely, the Indian Science Congress Association in 1998 formally recognized ” SCIENTOONS “.

Scientoons have also been included as a subject in the syllabus of M.Sc. (Mass Communication in Science and Technology) in Lucknow University , Lucknow (India), Devi Ahilya Bai University , Indore , India , Makhan Lal Chaturevdi University , Bhopal India ,Anna University, Chennai,  B.Ed. course of Mohan Lal Sukhadia University , Udaipur and more. Many other countries are also planning to introduce scientoons for science education and science communication.